Understanding the Role of a Supervisor
The Georgia Center for Nonprofits is offering “Understanding the Role of a Supervisor”:
“Management is the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. Being an effective manager involves much more than being good at tactical responsibilities. This course will provide you with a foundation of core management knowledge and critical skills to help you move from being a front line contributor to an admired leader who can achieve success and drive results.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify the core functions of management.
- Explain the steps in the management process.
- Define performance management.
- Describe your dominant communication style as a supervisor and understand how this influences communications with employees.
- Give examples of important time management strategies.
The Qualities and Skills of a Successful Supervisor
- Exploring the characteristics of an effective supervisor
- Understanding the core management functions
- Defining performance management
- Dealing with diversity in the workplace
Communication Styles and Their Impact on Supervision
- Identifying your dominant communication style
- Adapting your style to better communicate with others
How to Maximize Your Efficiency as a Supervisor
- Prioritizing and manage time
- Evaluating your time management skills
- Identifying areas to improve efficiency”