Is Starting a Nonprofit Right for You?

Candid is offering a virtual workshop on “Is Starting a Nonprofit Right for You?”:

Starting a nonprofit can seem terrifically complicated–is it worth it? This class can help you decide.

In this session you’ll learn the legal and logistical elements necessary to start a successful nonprofit. You’ll also learn about possible alternatives to starting your own nonprofit that you may not have considered. Finally, you’ll be introduced to a tool that will help you assess your own readiness to move forward.


Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  • Outline the steps required to start a nonprofit
  • Assess the alternatives to starting a nonprofit
  • Complete the nonprofit startup assessment tool to determine where you are in the startup process and identify the next steps you should take
  • Access additional resources to help you in your journey

A Special Welcome to:

Dreamers: those thinking about starting or in the process of starting a nonprofit

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