Craft A Communications Calendar: Email, Direct Mail & Social

Nonprofit Learning Lab is hosting a two-part training on “Craft A Communications Calendar: Email, Direct Mail & Social” on the following dates:

  • 8/1/2024, 8/8/2024

“Planning a communications calendar for 2024? Need ideas & strategies to determine themes and frequency in communication depending on your audience? We will explore comm calendars for small, medium and large nonprofits with varying goals from events, advocacy, volunteer engagement and more. Planning a communications calendar takes effort and coordination in advance. For example, sharing a comms schedule with internal staff can help avoid last minute changes and allow you to be strategic about your calls to actions whether it is to purchase a gala ticket, advocate for a cause or sign up to a volunteer shift.

We will also explore the best ways to stay focused on your external communication goals, review sample templates and platforms to pre-schedule social media posts. We will also analyze different ways to manage rapid response communication which may alter your pre-set comms calendar and how to respond to local events happening in your community that may impact the people you serve.”

The event is finished.

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