Posted May 9, 2023 | the Jobs That Help team
We are proud to have helped over 450 organizations fill over 2,800 opportunities last year, with the site averaging more than 50,000 page views each month in 2022, and thousands of visitors weekly.
The Most Popular Jobs

Our most popular jobs of 2022 are reflected in the wordcloud above, which consists of the position titles of all the job posts that were posted last year, with the words that were found multiple times in the position titles of the job posts (such as “manager”) represented by being larger in size in the wordcloud.
The wordcloud (full-size image) reflects the diverse interests and skillsets of our job seekers, encompassing the full spectrum of experience levels, from entry-level (e.g. assistant, AmeriCorps, associate) to mid-level (e.g. specialist, coordinator, manager) to senior (e.g. director, executive, etc.), and fields (human services, communications, development, operations, administration, advocacy, education, criminal justice, youth services, arts, finance, housing services, and more).
Job Openings by Field
From the 2,800+ opportunities that were posted in 2022, we saw several changes from 2020 in the fields the opportunities were in, as shown in the graph below. The largest changes were in human services positions decreasing from roughly 18% to 15%, administrative positions increasing from roughly 5% to 8%, finance and accounting positions increasing from roughly 3% to 6%, and development and fundraising positions increasing from roughly 6% to 9%.

The “Other Fields” in the graph above include executive leadership, clinical mental health, human resources, information technology, board and committee service, employment and workforce development, food services, animal welfare, environmental and horticultural, transportation, spirituality and religion, and security.
Our Organizations’ Missions
Of the more than 450 organizations that posted opportunities in 2022, they reflect a similarly broad range of missions from those in 2020, serving many different needs, as shown in the chart below.

The “Other Areas” in the chart above include: agriculture, food, and nutrition; employment and workforce development; animal welfare; public safety, disaster preparedness, and relief; and others.
We also continued to see a steady growth of new organizations registering employer accounts in 2022, welcoming over 250 new organizations to Jobs That Help last year.
Job Seeker Activity

As reflected by the robust range of connections, outreach, and marketing strategies to job seekers that we engage in, we have continued to draw a wide audience to Jobs That Help. Of the thousands of weekly visitors to the site, an average of 72% each week in 2022 were new visitors, and roughly one in six visits to the site were from a neighboring state (especially the Chicagoland area).
We also saw over 400 resumes posted to our Resume Bank last year, with our job seekers registering an average of 55 job seeker accounts each month to post a resume or access other features (such as our Job Alerts, which delivered posted opportunities directly to the inboxes of job seekers thousands of times last year).
In addition, we sent monthly e-newsletters to our 3,000+ job seeker subscribers (subscribe to our job seeker or employer e-newsletter, if you aren’t subscribed already!), highlighting the opportunities on our Job Listings and other resources and events.
Strength of Featured Posts

Our featured posts continued to perform strongly in 2022, gathering an average of 70% more page views and 70% more clicks to apply, as compared to job posts that weren’t featured on our Job Listings and social media channels (which now include 5,000+ followers, covering Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram).
Our Featured Post thus continues to be ideal for positions that need to be filled quickly, are especially important to gather the most skilled or diverse applications for, or simply when the budget allows.
Additional Factors for Job Post Performance
Following-up on our blog post from 2021 that looked at how including wage or salary details on a job post correlates with improved performance, we analyzed all 2,800+ job posts published in 2022 to see how job posts that included wage or salary details performed in comparison to those job posts that didn’t include those details.
In addition, we analyzed the performance of job posts that included a mention of benefits in 2022 to see how they performed in comparison to those job posts that didn’t include any mention of benefits.
We found that job posts that included wage or salary details and job posts that included at least a mention of benefits both saw a statistically significant increase in their performance.
Including Wage and Salary Details
Job posts that included wage or salary details (either a specific amount or a range) saw, on average, the following improved performance:
- 21% increase in clicks to apply
- 41% increase in page views
- 77% increase in entrances*

Including Benefits Details
Job posts that included at least a mention of benefits (e.g. at least “benefits included,” if not a list of the specific benefits offered) saw, on average, the following improved performance:
- 24% increase in clicks to apply
- 22% increase in page views
- 36% increase in entrances*

*Entrances are the number of times visitors entered the site directly to the job post, indicative of how much the job post is being shared and then visited directly by job seekers.
In 2022, only 34% of opportunities posted on Jobs That Help included wage or salary details and only 46% of opportunities posted on Jobs That Help mentioned benefits (even though there were many more opportunities posted that did in fact include benefits!). If your job posts don’t include these details, we strongly encourage adding them to increase the effectiveness of your job posts.
Events for Career & Professional Development

Lastly, but not least, we listed over 200 nonprofit-focused career and professional development events on our Events Calendar in 2022, including a variety of events that we sponsored or exhibited at to further share the opportunities on our Job Listings.
(And we already have lots of excellent events listed for this year, too!)
Thank You for All that You Do!
We’ve now been in operation for over four years, and we couldn’t provide this service to the community without all of you, and we couldn’t be more grateful for all of your support and engagement over the last year and into this one. As always, if we can be of assistance, or if you have a question or suggestion, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!