Nonprofit Lift: A New Resource for Local Nonprofits

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Posted May 3, 2022 | the Jobs That Help team

We are pleased to share a new resource,, for nonprofits in the Greater Milwaukee Region (and beyond, as many of its resources are available to nonprofits throughout the state).

Nonprofit Lift

Launching today, Nonprofit Lift’s website provides:

  • An easily searchable directory of 50+ consultants to nonprofits in the Greater Milwaukee Region (and beyond, in most cases)
  • Sources for nonprofit training and professional development
  • Resource lists for starting and for running a nonprofit
  • Resources for nonprofit sector data, research, and news

More Details on Nonprofit Lift

Nonprofit Lift is a collaboration of capacity-building intermediary and philanthropic organizations in Wisconsin, including Jobs That Help and other organizations (detailed below), which formed last year in response to the challenges facing the nonprofit community in the Greater Milwaukee Region.

Nonprofit Lift held several town hall discussions with nonprofit and philanthropic leaders in 2021, after reviewing the results of the Understanding and Supporting Milwaukee Nonprofits study conducted by Project Pivot and the Helen Bader Institute for Nonprofit Management at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2019.

The areas of need and nonprofit resource limitations in the Greater Milwaukee Region that the study and town hall discussions helped to identify led to Nonprofit Lift’s launching of the resources you can now find on their new website, and Nonprofit Lift continues to work on additional steps to make capacity-building services and resources more accessible to nonprofits in the Greater Milwaukee Region.

Nonprofit Lift is a collaboration of the Helen Bader Institute for Nonprofit Management at UW-Milwaukee, Jobs That Help, Project Pivot, the Nonprofit Academy of Wisconsin, Nonprofit Management Fund, Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin, and Create Wisconsin (formerly Arts Wisconsin).

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