Jobs That Help’s mission is to connect Wisconsin nonprofit, government, and social enterprise (including nonprofit consulting) organizations and mission-driven job seekers, by providing a high-quality, specialized, and accessible online career center, featuring a robust job board and resume bank. Each year, Jobs That Help receives an average of more than 50,000 page views a month, thousands of visitors each week, and helps fill nearly 2,000 opportunities (learn more in our 2023 Community Impact Report and 2023 “Year in Review”).
Inspired by Jobs That Serve, the nonprofit job board run by the Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee until its closure in 2018, Jobs That Help was launched from Milwaukee in February 2019 by Ben Hastil and Shelly Crane, who make up the Jobs That Help team.
Ben has a background in nonprofit management and recruitment from his work at nonprofits in Indiana, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Wisconsin, as well as from his MSW with a concentration in community organization, management, and administration from The University of Akron, Ohio. He grew up just south of Madison, and brings a passion for nonprofit capacity-building from his days as an AmeriCorps VISTA member, as well as an expertise in leveraging technology to enable nonprofits to better fulfill their missions.
Shelly assists in managing the operations of Jobs That Help when she is not working as a family physician and the medical director at Aurora Wiselives Center for Wellbeing in Wauwatosa. She also serves as faculty for the Aurora Family Medicine Residency Program. She brings experience in recruitment and organizational capacity-building to Jobs That Help, and her work with Jobs That Help aligns with her passion for strengthening Wisconsin communities.
The Jobs That Help logo features the Hoan Bridge, an iconic landmark in Milwaukee (and -we’d argue!- the most beautiful bridge in the state). In addition to representing Jobs That Help’s Milwaukee roots, the Hoan Bridge serves as a powerful symbol of connection, emphasizing our mission to connect our employers and job seekers, helping them secure the best match of talent and passion.
Interested in connecting with us? Don’t hesitate to contact us!