Social Media Fundraising for Nonprofits

Nonprofit Tech for Good is hosting a webinar on “Social Media Fundraising for Nonprofits”:

“Fundraising on social media is not easy. With millions of nonprofits worldwide asking for donations on social media, donors are increasingly tuning out fundraising asks.

This two-hour webinar will provide an honest analysis of what is working in social media fundraising – and what’s not – and provide current best practices to help your nonprofit’s fundraising campaigns stand out on social media. Topics include:

How to effectively promote fundraising campaigns on social media (one-time giving, monthly giving, tribute giving, etc.)

  • How to use social media to capture the email and text subscribers
  • How to effectively use Facebook and Instagram Fundraising Tools
  • The benefits of using LinkedIn to steward sponsors
  • How to create and grow an ambassador program for your nonprofit”

The event is finished.

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