Logic Models

The Association of Fundraising Professionals Southeastern Wisconsin is hosting “Logic Models”:

“Logic Models are tools to help you explain complex systems in simplified terms. They are visual representations of the relationships between resources, activities and outcomes. Sound interesting? Helpful? Fun? (Not that grant proposals need to be more fun…!)

Because their data includes your program or project inputs, outputs, and outcomes, Logic Models are commonly used when trying to secure funding, but are also a helpful tool for evaluation planning. In this workshop, you will learn the components of a simple logic model, how to create a new model, and how to tweak an existing one. After this workshop, you will have an understanding of the importance of inputs, outputs, and outcomes and will be able to differentiate between them. Join us for this interesting session!

Dawn Helmrich is The Director of Research and Evaluation at United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County. Dawn has worked at United Way for the past 16 years in the area of data collection, evaluation and dissemination. She has a certificate from the U.S Department of Education in survey methodology, research, statistics and survey design. She graduated from The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee with a Master’s degree in Sociology, and is an Adjunct Professor at Alverno College teaching program evaluation, leading nonprofits and social science.

11:30 AM Registration and Box Lunch Pick-up
11:45 AM Presentation
12:45 PM Q&A, Closing Remarks
1:00 PM Adjourn

1:00 – 1:30 PM Optional Networking
1:00 – 1:30 PM Optional Membership 101 session”

The event is finished.

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